Old-fashioned Door Bell from Byron

Wirefree old-fashioned door bell from Byron

This wonderful old-fashioned door bell from Byron is really easy to install.

You don’t need the complicated old-fashioned wire pulley system you might expect to need to make it work!

Unlike many door bells, you don’t even need to wire it in – it is completely wirefree, being powered by 4 C-size batteries.

The bell is in brushed nickel, and the box colour is cherry wood.

The kit from Byron (called the SX-60) includes the door bell and box, a bell push converter and a brass PVD bell push.

There is a 100 metre operating range, between the bell push and the bell.

The SX-60 kit is available for £72.85.

web: http://www.chbyron.co.uk
tel: (01527) 557 700

Read more about: Door Bells