Gardening Advice from Alan Titchmarsh

Alan Titchmarsh and Charlie DimmockYou can get lots of good gardening advice from Alan Titchmarsh on the Crocus website.

There are regular articles on the site itself (for example “Alan’s July Choice”), or you can subscribe to his regular care tip emails – you can even specify which sort of plants you are interested in caring for.

Crocus is a gardening website which specialises in selling garden plants – their range is huge – 4,000 plant varieties to choose from compared to around 400 in an average garden centre.

This is one of the reasons that Charlie Dimmock and Alan Titchmarsh decided to be part of Crocus – the fact that the amateur gardener can have the same choice as the professional gardener.

tel: (0870) 787 1413

Read more about: Gardening Advice, Web Sites