New Luxurious Jasmine Silk Bedding From By Nature

By Nature, the online specialist retailer in ethical and organic products has introduced a new collection of lush Mulberry Silk Bedding, including silk duvets, silk blankets, silk sheets and bedlinen.

Mulberry silk is produced from the silkworms of the Bombyx mori moth, which are fed on a special Mulberry leaf diet.

The new Jasmine Silk collection of duvets, toppers and pillows, are made from 100% classA long strand mulberry silk.

Besides feeling luxurious and soft, silk has many benefits that make it a supreme choice for bedding:

Comfortable and Breathable – silk takes moisture away from the body, so that you feel comfortable and cool all night.

Light and Warm – silk keeps you warm without the weight of heavy duvets or blankets and sleeping under a duvet filled with silk, is akin to sleeping under a light downy cloud.

It even keeps you warm and cosy throughout the depths of winter, partially due to the “hugging effect” of silk, which helps to retain body heat when it’s cold.

Hypoallergenic and Healthy.

It is repulsive to moths and dust mites, making it perfect for those who suffer from allergies or asthma and has proven helpful for those afflicted by eczema or other skin conditions. It is also resistant to mould and mildew.

All of Jasmine Silk’s bedlinen is made from best quality, seamless, heavyweight pure (19mm) mulberry silk.

The bedding is long lasting and machine washable with a soft satin finish. There is a variety of colours available, including Taupe, Black, Mocha and Ivory.


Silk Duvet Covers: From £90; Sheets From £45; Silk Pillowcases From £25.

To view the By Nature’s full range of silk bedding, or for more information visit the website.

About By Nature:

The By Nature online store presents a wide range of ethical and organic products, such as bed and bath products, eco fashion, dining, gardening etc.

Read more about: Bedlinen