Trees Direct Sends Trees As Gifts

 Trees Direct Sends Trees As Gifts   Trees Direct specialise in sending trees as gifts and offer an attractive choice providing a beautiful, balanced and useful collection.

All are chosen for their colour, blossom, shape and size, to suit all types of garden and patios and are also helpful to wildlife and the environment.

The idea for Trees Direct was started around the family dining table in 1999, when they decided they could create a business and also help the environment.

Starting out in Christmas 1999 with only their knowledge of horticulture and a love of trees they succeeded and 10 years later the business is thriving.

All of the plants are potted and dressed in hessian sacks, with ribbons, a hand written gift card and planting instructions.

Why send trees as gifts?….There are many reasons why you might choose to send trees rather than conventional gifts:

  • Trees are alive, not made of ‘dead’ resources – they regenerate life instead of being the end product of industrial processing.
  • Trees can be a long lasting remembrance of an event, person or occasion – instead of being used up, worn out, lost, or sitting gathering dust.
  • Trees and plants benefit ecology and wildlife, air and water cycles, landscape and ‘spirit’.
  • Green and growing things provide us with a means to connect to nature – especially important for people living in cities.
  • Planting native trees helps maintain the natural heritage of the land.
  • Sending living rather than material things helps to reduce landfill waste.

Trees Direct also provide a popular Tree Search service for customers, to find a particular tree not listed on the website.

Visit the Trees Direct website to view their wide-ranging collection of trees as gifts.

Tel: (01588) 680 280

Read more about: Gardening Advice, Gardening Services, Web Sites