Glow-worm Applauds Boiler Scrappage Scheme

Glow-worm Applauds Boiler Scrappage Scheme The Boiler Scrappage Scheme has moved a step closer to reality following its inclusion in the Pre-Budget Report from Alistair Darling.

Supporters of the campaign ‘Reheat Britain’ say that the scheme, much like the car scrappage scheme, will help households replace costly, inefficient boilers with a grant of £400 to contribute to the replacement costs.

In addition homeowners will save up to £310* a year in fuel bills by replacing a less efficient boiler, which with the additional benefit of the £400 grant makes this proposition even more attractive.

Glow-worm, the leading boiler and heating appliances manufacturer, has been supporting the petition scheme since its launch in 2009.

The decision will now mean that homeowners can receive a £400 incentive to scrap G rated boilers. The scheme is likely to help over 125,000 households a year, when it comes into fruition this year.

Darren Finely, Commercial Director at Glow-worm says: “There is approximately 4 to 4.5 million homes with old style boilers, which are working on efficiencies of around 70%.

Today’s energy efficient SEDBUK A rated boilers can achieve efficiencies of anything up to 90% plus.

Add this to advances in home insulation controls and solar thermal, then there are seriously significant amounts of energy savings for people and direct benefit to the environment.

“The Energy Saving Trust offer a credible list of recommended A rated boilers, including the full A range from Glow-worm, and we would encourage homeowners to consult this list to ensure that they find the right boiler.”

To read about Glow-worm’s continued support of the scheme visit them at:

*Energy saving and consumption, calculated using DEFRA data for a three bedroom semi-detached house, with an old heavy weight boiler.
Money saving calculated using the British Gas Websaver tariff September 2009.

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