B&Q’s Novel Vertical Polanter

 B&Q’s Novel Vertical Polanter  Growing your own vegetables continues to grow in popularity and the latest innovative trend is vertical gardening.

B&Q’s new Vertical Polanter is making it easier for everyone to have green fingers, no matter the size or shape of their garden space.

The planter can be easily hung on walls or fences (as pictured here) and has twelve planting holes with extra space at the top, to enable you to grow as many flowers, vegetables and herbs as possible.

At The RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May, The B&Q Garden will employ vertical planting, to create a perpendicular edible garden 9M high that demonstrates how anyone can grow their own food and live a more sustainable and self sufficient life.

The garden will also show a wind turbine, solar panels and a vertical greenhouse.

The Vertical Polanter is available from B&Q in green, terracotta, black and pink. Priced at £10.

A ‘grow your own garden’ is achievable in any space – use a window box, planters or hanging baskets, it’s actually very easy.

For further information about the B&Q Garden at The Chelsea Flower Show, please visit the website.

RHS Chelsea Flower Show, 24th to 28th May 2011 is the world’s most famous flower show and is a celebration of the highest quality horticulture.

Read more about: DIY Advice, Planters