National Gutters Day

Kevin McCloud promoting National Gutters Day

Believe it or not, today is National Gutters Day!

You may well laugh – but there’s a serious purpose behind National Gutters Day: SPAB (the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) are trying to raise awareness of the damage that can be caused to buildings by blocked guttering.

And it’s not just ancient buildings at risk – a new-build urban semi is just as vulnerable to water damage caused by blocked gutters – and the results of water damage (such as dry rot) can cost a fortune to fix!

So now that all the leaves have fallen – and quite a few of them are probably clogging up your gutters, it’s a good time to get your guttering cleared.

Kevin McCloud, presenter of TV programme Grand Designs says:

“Back in 1877 William Morris, SPAB’s founder spoke of the need to ‘stave off decay by daily care, to prop a perilous wall or mend a leaky roof’.

That’s still good advice today. Maintenance is a Cinderella subject, it’s not as exciting or sexy as interior design or buying a new sofa or bathroom suite, but it is essential to the future of a building.”


Read more about: Guttering