How to Carve Your Halloween Pumpkin with Dremel

 How to Carve Your Halloween Pumkin with Dremel Carved pumpkins and gourds are wonderful ways to mark the festival of Halloween, which falls on Saturday 31 October; lit up at night either inside or outside your home, they’ll frighten away the ghosts and skeletons!

It’s really easy to carve your own Halloween pumpkins and ward off the evil spirits with the Dremel 300 multi-tool – just follow this step-by-step guide:

  • Step One – Using a pencil, draw your design onto the pumpkin, pressing lightly at first until you are happy with the design and then go over the lines to clearly define them.
  • Step – Two Using a Dremel 300 multi-tool and high speed cutter accessory, cut around the top of the pumpkin to form a lid. Set to one side. Scoop out the seeds and some of the flesh of the pumpkin with a spoon, making sure that you don’t puncture the skin.
  • Step Three – Cut out the shapes carefully using the Dremel; work into the corners and curves cautiously to ensure a neat finish.
  • Step Four – Put a candle or nightlight inside the pumpkin and light it to finish.

Materials required : Dremel 300 Series multi-tool and high speed cutter accessory (193).Selection of pumpkins, squash and gourds; Pencil; Candle or nightlight.

The Dremel 300 series Hobby kit contains the world’s most popular multi-tool, plus 25 accessories including the high speed cutter.
This unique tool is perfect for any creative project requiring carving, sanding, cutting or polishing.

Available from DIY stores and online. Priced around £44.99.

For more information on Dremel’s range of products, visit their website:

Web: where step by step photography is also available for making Halloween masks, candles and ‘eye ball’ candles.
Tel: 0844 736 0107

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