Powergen’s 100% Green Dual Fuel Energy Product

Powergen’s 100% Green Dual Fuel Energy Product Go Green Powergen, part of E.ON, has from 14th May, become the only major UK energy supplier to offer a 100% green dual fuel energy product – Go Green and aims to become the biggest green energy supplier to UK homes.

Go Green offers a unique combination of 100% renewable electricity, from wind farms and hydro power stations, plus offset gas through carbon reduction programmes, to help users minimize their impact on the environment.
Every unit of electricity used by Go Green customers will be matched with one produced by a renewable source and supplied to the national grid.

Powergen has also teamed up with Climate Care, to offset the carbon emitted when customers use gas in their homes, through funding sustainable energy projects around the world.

Go Green customers also receive:

  • CO2 information on their online bill, a carbon calculator and an annual energy efficiency check.
  • 1,000 Tesco Green Clubcard Points a year (500 per fuel).
  • Exclusive discounts on energy efficient products e.g. Electrisave consumption monitoring device for £40 (normally £70), an energy saving EcoKettle for £25 (normally £30).

Prices for Go Green include a small premium of 2% against standard Powergen products, which reflects the higher price of renewable electricity and some of the cost of carbon offsetting gas.

This premium, which equates to around £17 per year or 5p per day, can be counterbalanced by simply fitting two low energy light bulbs, or by turning down the thermostat by one degree.

Go Green is available for new and existing customers - to sign up visit:

Web: http://www.powergen.co.uk/goinggreen

Or Tel:  (0800) 092 9729

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