If you’ve ever locked yourself out or lost your keys, you’ll know that terrible sinking feeling you get standing helplessly on the doorstep.
But now, if you live in London, there’s an alternative to the long cold wait for the locksmith to arrive – and the eye-watering bill you get for 5 minutes work!
By becoming a member of The Keyholding Company, you have automatic access to their ‘Lost Key’ service. And the next time you lock yourself out, The Keyholding Company will be round with a duplicate set of keys, usually within 30 minutes – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Registering your keys costs £24 and membership which includes the ‘Lost Key’ service starts at £10.95 per month.
web: http://www.keyholding.com
tel: (0870) 770 6880