Smart New Energy Saving Device From Gas-elec

Smart New Energy Saving Device From Gas-elec Staggering increases in gas and electricity prices have resulted in a plethora of energy saving tips from the Government and the energy companies; but the fact remains, if we want to pay less for our gas, we’ve got to use less.

Gas-elec’s g-save is a new energy saving device, launched in October 2008 – in trial conditions and has so far come up with impressive savings – from 22% in a 2 bedroom terraced cottage to 34% in a 4 bedroom detached house (calculated on actual meter readings with, and without, the g-save).

In February 2009, Good Housekeeping magazine awarded the g-save their Innovation of the Month, when it achieved savings of 31% in trials.

The g-save is a ‘smart’ technology boiler economizer, which effectively manages the amount of fuel a typical central heating boiler uses:

  • In a standard domestic heating system, there is a time lag between the thermostat demanding heat from the boiler and then registering that the water or room is hot enough.
  • The thermostat eventually cuts off the demand but, due to the heat that still has to work through the system, the time lag causes the hot water or the room to become overheated, so fuel is wasted.
  • The g-save economizer is unique, as it has two electronic timers each pulsing at different pre-set times, which run twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.
  • One timer is wired into the room thermostat, whilst the other is wired into the hot water cylinder thermostat wiring.
  • The g-save pulses the demand for heat, so that the latent heat in the system is still moved around and used to full effect, even when the boiler is not active, thus making substantial savings on gas usage.

The unit, which works on gas, oil or LPG-fuelled installations, retails at £156 including VAT, or £216 for supply and fit including VAT.

The g-save economizer has been developed and patented by gas-elec, one of the UK’s leading specialist safety and service companies.

Tel: (01895) 420777

Read more about: Central Heating Boilers, Condensing Boilers, Gas Boilers