Batheaston Furniture Maker’s Windsor Wonderland

 Windsor Wonderland from Batheaston Furniture Makers The intriguing art of Windsor chair-making evolved over 300 years ago and from the shaping of the seat to the steam bending of the arms and backs, each stage required a great deal of skill.

Today, as well as a huge range of hand-made cabinetry and tables, Batheaston Furniture Makers is one of the foremost reproducers of these beautiful chairs, proudly recreating the very best furniture for generations to come.

Batheaston is a family business renowned for producing the very best Windsor chairs.

Their story started back in 1971 in a small workshop in a village on the outskirts of Bath, and today their range also includes cabinetry and tables in both traditional and contemporary styles.

Never forgetting their roots, the Windsor chair remains the backbone of this thoroughly British business today.

Experience the beauty of native hardwoods, Oak, Ash, Sycamore and Cherry from sustainable woodlands, transposed into the heirlooms of the future by Batheaston’s talented local craftsmen.

Within the realm of Windsor chairs there is enormous variety from the design of the splat to the turning of the legs and so whatever your requirements Batheaston can make the seat to suit your tastes.

Visit the Batheaston website to view their ranges of beautiful traditional and contemporary furniture.

Tel: (01225) 811295

Read more about: Contemporary Furniture, Custom Furniture, Dining Chairs, Dining Room Furniture, Dining Tables, Rocking Chairs