New Year New You

 New Year New YouThe New Year may mean a whole host of New Year’s resolutions for many of us, but it can also mean the start of a series of positive changes to others.

To encourage you to stick to your promises, why not ring-in the changes to create a renewed energy in your home?

A change in your surroundings can change your mood and what better time of year to do something about it…?

  • Colours and patterns are like energy drinks for the soul. They inspire us and give us ideas. They can make us warm, glad and eager, or calm, relaxed and sleepy.
  • Take the time to strip your room back to the bare essentials. Even rearrange the furniture. Then, think about the colours you feel will create the right mood in the room for you.
  • Simply by adding textiles, lighting and decorative items, you can make a big impact. Start with the larger blocks of colour or bolder patterns first, finally adding those finishing touches to create the perfect room for you.

At IKEA, you can make big changes with a small wallet as featured here:

DVALA quilt cover and pillow cases, £19.99.

ANDRUP rug, £24.99.

RITVA pair of curtains, £24.99.

PJÄTTERYD picture, £25.

SALONG vases, from £8.99.

LJUSÅS UVÅS table lamp, £34.99.
All prices are subject to V.A.T. changes.

Take a look at the bedroom room-sets at IKEA online – they all feature the same furniture as pictured here, but the different accessorising creates a different atmosphere every time!
Then click ‘How To’ and  ‘Revive Your Room’

Read more about: Bedlinen, Bedroom Furniture, Beds, Bookcases, Childs Furniture, Contemporary Furniture, Curtain Fabric, Cushions, Home Interiors, Home Lighting, Wardrobes